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One of the keys to PSA effectiveness is the ability to aggregate demand and aggregate services and then match them to create programs/projects. Aggregating is a fairly clear concept, but when it occurs using Cloud and other methods of connecting online, it can become hard to envision or express. This Diigo topic is for accumulating ways to understand what we are trying to do when we say aggregate. In short, we can say it’s a dynamic web…but what does that mean in practical regional realties?

andflywrite on 07 Mar 12

Here’s a link to a FastCompany article written by a “linked in” staffer which gives food for thought on what a “dynamic aggregation” might look like…or gets one started thinking a bit along the right lines anyway.

andflywrite on 07 Mar 12

An example of a local /regional aggregator of demands and services is the United Way database of organizations. Another is Christina Littles email list serv . The PSA mind maps are our sort of proprietary attempt to create a dynamic “map” of aggregation. Aggregation never sleeps, because “alliances” can form and dissolve from project to project or grant to grant. Which makes them hard to “keep track of”. We know this is the case for workers such as Maria Samaniego and others, who “come together” for a grant, and then must find new alliances to keep working after that grant ends. So for PSA.

andflywrite on 07 Mar 12

What would an aggregating tool look like? Since many potential client groups in PSA “circle of local clients” will be low resource based, or have low funding to work with, we envision working with local resources to provide manpower to facilitate online course/training. One might say that “Training the trainers” would be an app that would enable aggregating available resources to meet a project need.In other words, the training the trainer app, would allow PSA to aggregate whatever human resources one group, or a collective of groups had available and turn them into the facilitators to then provide the training that these organizations need to provide. Maybe that training is available as a package somewhere, or maybe PSA needs to work with the groups with the need to create the training. But in either case, the train the trainers part is essential to aggregate the facilitator resource. (hereafter referred to as TNT).

The regional trainer/facilitator is the chief difference maker in getting the necessary learning environment using online and mobile hardware and software. They provide the engine of success by being able to mobilize individual learning success. They do that through thoroughly understanding the learners needs and environment and limitations that must be overcome, as well as being able to emotionally connect in a supportive way. Sometimes it is also a matter of being bi-lingual.

andflywrite on 07 Mar 12

One “sounds good to me” project using a PSA designed TNT app, and incorporating a PSA iPad inventory, would be a traveling TNT “class” that could be scheduled at various locations throughout DAC, and maybe other counties, as well as west texas? …. come in for an intensive “weekend” or two, into the community that needs it, and in conjunction with various non profits and programs

andflywrite on 08 Mar 12

When doing any project, one should always research what has already been done that is similar. For TNT, the work that Ruben Castandeda has done in El Paso area might be a good resource. Ruben himself might be a colleague to work together with on developing TNT, as the clientele in El Paso county and west Texas has a lot in common with clientele in DAC.

kris on 09 Mar 12 –

You are right that Ruben does train his instructors to go to the centers. When I met with him in November, I asked him if he wanted to work in DAC. He said that he is tapped out to provide training in El Paso, but if we had good instructors, he would consult in training them.Ruben hires instructors and trains them to teach basic computer skills using the Good Will curriculum. He created a manual for the instructors that he adapted from the Good Will curriculum. He also has a new contract to use EPCC students from Fabiola Rubios program to mentor on the computer.Remember, his instructors are teaching at centers F2F. The (3) instructors have (3) classes a day at different centers. He mentioned the need to find reliable people to be instructors.Perhaps we could observe a TTT session provided by Ruben or go to a center and observe a teacher teach the class.