Select Page…call-for-presenters

Alas, they want proposals to be submitted by Aug. 15…but now that I’m thinking about this, if we wanted to create a public presence for PSA we could choose some topic that we actually know something about. WE may or may not want to share our “proprietary point of view”….but it would certainly have the POTENTIAL to connect us in a positive way with many involved in online learning in the state.

Also has other less positive potentials…and could be jumping the gun. or jumping the shark…

OTOH give us an excuse to study real hard about such topics as “how to incorporate 3rd party cloud resources into your online course” which we presently know little about accomplishing.

Just brainstorming here…
Here’s a presentation Idea:

“Where are we now, and where are we going?” Five big questions to ponder.
We could use the presentation as a kind of town hall to elicit discussion on areas we’d really like to get some feedback on how people see certain “issues” with online education/ training. Such as:
1) What is role of teachers in new online world mobile context
2) Do we still need/ want the same physical plant
3) Will education move closer to training, and learning as a more integrated component of everyday life?
4) Who will grant certification/ degrees/ validation of learning
5) Is education the proper function of the state, or private businesses, or intermediary groups such as non profits? OR all in a freeforall interplay of politics, economics, and appeal to students?
6) Will learning become something “natural” that people do because they want to do it, and if they think it is easier to take an online course, is this a good thing or a bad thing?
7) How can we incorporate 3rd party cloud elements into our “own” courses? Or will it all end up in iTunes or as App at App store?

There’s not a lot of time in a session to present, typically around 45-55 minutes, so it would have to be fast paced, but because we are immersed in these issues, and because we’d like to genuinely find out what people think, we could make it a good experience for us and for attendees…and we could pull it off….I think.

Again, just brainstorming, so if you have something to add or subtract, please do..
If we did this early in the conference, we could continue to asynchronously assemble responses and present a sort of “survey total” at the end of the conference…social media/ mobile media/ collaborative learning in action…