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  • gary575 on 16 Oct 12
    I forgot the quote – YouTube also boasts over 700,000 educational videos in its EDU channel. From a learning standpoint we estimate there is more knowledge on YouTube than has ever been in one location in human history.
  • John Griffith on 17 Oct 12
    True enough, there’s beaucoup learning resources in the cloud, and more all the time. Kahn etc. Some of the most powerful tools, such as adaptive learning, are still being developed. Any online DLE (Defined Learning Experience) needs to embed the best tools 1) available 2)affordable 3)accessible 4) quality

    Challenge is how best to do that…for all four… while still maintaining the advantages of various local and regional elements to learning… certain social contexts, and group dynamics favor learning motivation based on “affinity” circumstances. Family, friends, my offline social group…is part of a successful learning experience or program.

    We still hear from those who should know: “”Well, if only the parents would do their job their kids would succeed in school.”” And others reply, the parents are off working all day, and tired when they get home. Or worse.

    For certain age groups, but even adult learners, the social context is key, and requires some form of “local support”. Those who solve this equation best, will get the best learning results from their services/ programs.

    The facilitation component may well need a “local mask” to be effective for some DLE. It’s an interesting balance between the universality of the cloud, and the specificity of local cultures and environments. Some might say we will transition from localness, losing accents and regional attitudes and “cultures” under the new “connectivity” or the new “global village”. (McCluhan got the concept right, but what it really means for cultures, is still being discovered).

    But for now, mine the cloud for all quality resources, and structure the local assets to best support a mutually derived local learning environment.

    Also, there’s an issue of quality/ quantity. Online trainings, courses, DLE, vary greatly in quality. Lots of shovel ware out there. If Mom and Pop can be education entrepreneurs…as with charter schools for example…the q

  •  More on quality…some DLE may be superior based on using latest technology in the most advanced way. Some language programs are expensive, such as Tell Me More, and Rosetta Stone, but use perhaps most advance tech, real time voice analysis based on powerful algorithms and server tech. Gary had trouble with ARIS… can open source tech keep up? But then again, can proprietary LMS keep up with Open Source?

    Kahn and Knewton have a low cost access model, as does Higher Ed today for many. Then there’s online textbooks, access to and control of Apps, and costs of internet access and hardware access…many cost issues/ access issues are still “under construction” in the “learning revolution” underway.
  •  Teachem is on to something with the necessity of “curation” for online educational content.