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  • gary575 on 17 Oct 12
    I follow the blog of these two right of center (but open minded) economists – they often spur my thought juices.

    I know nothing about the pedagology, but I imagine you folks do.

  • John Griffith on 17 Oct 12
    This is a very good link…
    Nobody knows nothing….and nobody knows everything…and it’s all changing…people scrambling to find models to dress the new tools with… I think that’s called a “dialectic”. Way too soon to know what theories and models will be “best”, but not too soon to speculate, and for that speculation to drive innovation. Kris probably is our more informed pedagogicist…but we all went to school once…and we here are thinking out of the box too.
  • nmkris on 18 Oct 12
    A new mooc for me to try. Right now, I’m doing the Steve Blank course. The approach does use videos with quick quizzes. All the quizzes need to be 100% correct before I get my certificate! This approach is more traditional… good use of video (in small chunks) and immediate feedback. However, I also have access to discussion forums, twitter, linked in groups…for those that want to connect and learn that way.

    IMO, something for everyone is the best solution. I actually preferred the Mobimooc course because of the live/recorded video if I wanted to use it, and the course had a three week live time frame. I stayed more engaged with the discussion forums…still mainly lurking since the number of posts was too much.

    The Steve Blank course is unlimited time frame so I’m way behind on the discussions, but the discussions make good use of tag words so I can find relevant discussions. In this case, the content really requires more processing so it works for me…not to have a time frame.