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  • gary575 on 09 Nov 12
    As video becomes more a part of learniong/training, SCORM’s limitation become more obvious. With Video, one needs to amass a tremendous amount of data to provide the analytics desired and to aadequately support search within the video asset – this seems like the new wave.
  • John Griffith on 12 Nov 12 
    explanation of SCORM here:
  • John Griffith on 12 Nov 12
    Learning is Everywhere video here:
    NOT technical…
  • gary575 on 12 Nov 12
    I think this may be a better intro to SCORM.

    I can assure you that without SCORM compliance or something similar, going from one LMS to another or repurposig content is a nightmare. DOD, most of the Gov and most Enterprise customers require SCORM compliance. The big thing about TinCan API is that it dramatically enhances granularity – it fits right in with “big data”.

  • John Griffith on 12 Nov 12
    thx Gary