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Kudos to Gary for this accomplishment. From the article/ press release:

The platform provides intuitive tools to create publish and distribute content through virtually any device.

Ed Behan Globecomm’s Vice President of Enterprise, said: “TempoSM combines key new interactive features, along with the ability to reach associates in the most effective and modern way-at their desks or on the go. This capability, coupled with the system’s voice, polling and chat leverages real-time analytics for highly dynamic interaction.TempoSM solves an integral problem that corporations have faced, until now. In the past, corporate training required different vendors to address different parts of the process. Smart leveraging of the newest technology brings all of these processes together in one integrated platform, saving costs and better utilizing resources.”

Applications provide specialized training opportunities. For Rollins, a live classroom enables a group of students to watch on a single television monitor and interact using Android “keypad” technology. The platform also integrates with existing enterprise software applications, including Active Directory and Learning Management Systems.

The TempoSM Enterprise Media Platform integrates the highest quality hardware, software and delivery solutions with Globecomm’s network monitoring, help desk and life cycle support. This combination of “solution plus service” provides a completely managed corporate communications solution for enterprise environments of all kinds.