Select Page

Took trying out about 4 or 5 of the Contact page plugins, but I’m happy with this one for the following reasons:

Allows us to get emails back with multiple field results…ie, whatever the user puts in the fields on the page will be part of a email message we receive.

We can setup two different email addresses to receive the contact sends that users create…so both John and Kris will get a copy.

Was able to add a checkbox to choose if a user wants to meet with us… they can now indicate if Skype, F2F, phone etc.

While there’s no online scheduling, it also doesn’t require any third party that we might have to pay such as vCita. Also, for now, we won’t need to deal with hostgator/ Mac Mail conflicts, because we can just use our present email address, and user won’t see.

Nice simple looking form, but has a Captcha…

Kris email not added as of today, while I’m still testing it, but before we “go live” will do.

Registration in this sense is simply an indication that someone wants to participate a bit in our site. I think I still have to setup new users for our site individually. But since we aren’t anticipating a mob crush rush, will just put the return emails into their own mailbox and add them as users in a reasonable amt of time.