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Training magazine video here. Becoming a much more important magazine/ web presence as we write, as Defined Learning Experiences bleed into each other.

For some reason, what seems obvious is taking a bit of time to become common knowledge. Learning is learning, and if you know how to “do it online” in one field, you can do it in another field. Thus businesses who train their workers can also teach a broad range of “subjects” using similar methods.

As has been previously mentioned, professional development is one of those places with egregious fees because there’s a gap or disconnect between the customer and the vendor. Often the fee is simply paid by the institution for which the customer works. Which apparently doesn’t care how much it costs…or feels a “costly” course ensures prestigious credentialed employees, or something.

In the end, the key as we’ve been pondering, is who does accrediting, and why do you need it? What does it do for the employee, and the employer, and will we see some new form of “capability wallet” that follows us around allowing us to get employment, or qualify for stuff like licenses from state/ or fed in various professions…. “What’s in your iWallet?”

BTW, recently in “Training” magazine, I note Orkin ranked #30 this year, up from #52 in 2012. (Jan/Feb issue pg 66.) Small blurb mentions IVOD programs started in 2012, and favorable impact on sales. No mention of Tempo by name…