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There’s a video and a story at NYTimes today about data mining and healthcare. Embedding the video has so far eluded my attempts, and I’ve tried about 17 different tricks , so I guess I need at least 18…

Anyway, the article is about a joint effort between search engines and somebody like Stanford to learn more comprehensively about side effects for various drugs… by mining data of searches for information about a certain side effect that users of the drugs do when having bad side effects.

Sounds like Beta testing IYAM. Send out the product, then mine the response for bugs and possible algorithms. Side effects being one, but just one component of the healthcare maze. But what if this is how you do the Healthcare Revolution in the Cloud?

Get all those complaints about insurance and hospital charges and coverage etc, and collect them somehow into a big mountain range of data ore…then mine them for action points? Determine those algorithms that enable consumers at the new Health Exchanges? And create a whole new category of Health Care Promotores… the people that know how to “beat” or at least “swim” the system.

As we’ve noted somewhere, possibly in Best Links Ever Index, there’s already some people doing the Healthcare Facilitator Dance for Hire thing. May a thousand startups bloom.