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Link to for a table of contents of a course on Prezi.  New course, just released about 3 weeks ago. Not sure if the link will work for you, because I accessed the course contents after logging in as a paid subscriber.   ($25/month but no “contract” iirc, and that covers all the courses they have 24/7) Sometimes allows access for non subscribers to the first few videos.

I’ve learned (or should I say studied) some hairy stuff using Lynda such as Dreamweaver, and Final Cut Pro.  Prezi isn’t at all in that degree of difficulty, but Lynda courses are usually the best or among the best out there, and have a more “pro” level insight into tips and tricks than a YouTube from John Q Public may have.

Interestingly enough, the instructor refers to mindmaps as a use for Prezi, and as a tool for organizing one’s thoughts before creating a prezi… but we already knew that. Also of note the collaborative aspects of Prezi, which I haven’t explored yet.

These videos below are from the intro section of the course. There’s a few more of the beginning section that could be linked to as desired, or requested here.  For the full course, one needs to buy one month of and get them that way…using what we have here just as a kind of get a taste of stuff.

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