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The attached published paper offers some interesting observations, valid or not, on learning in general and MOOCs in specific.  Two that hit me:

1) “…the evidence suggests that there is no reason to believe that MOOCs are any less effective a learning experience than their face–to–face counterparts. Indeed, in some aspects, they may actually improve learning outcomes.”

2) “Repeated study of previously recalled items did not result in increased retention compared to dropping those items from additional study. Repeated recall of items previously recalled, however, improved retention by more than 100 percent compared to dropping those items from further testing. Similarly, Roediger and Butler (2011) concluded that retrieval practice serves as a powerful mnemonic enhancer, often leading to significant improvements in long–term retention relative to repeated studying.”

I also agree with a commentator who believes that the efficiency of a method cannot be completely divorced form the subject.

It strikes me that John and Kris could produce a better paper.