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Ken talks about creativity, curiosity, and learning vs “command and control” education.

His ideas are very good, but his presentation skills are even better. Perhaps worth noting how effectively he uses humor…  and how he connects with his audience with an unpretentious tone that disarms and includes. Very much a guide on the side, and “wins” us over to his ideas without resorting to “I’m the expert, so what I say goes”. Kind of like the way we might envision a good teacher does it.

So much more that could be said on how Ken does TED so well. Here’s a list of 10 top TEDs chosen by him.

BTW, heres’ a tech tip for posting TED talks here. When you “get the embed code” you’ll see that there’s a “Word Press” code available. Just copy and paste that “short” code into your post as text ….in the area we normally write the text for the post. The default pixel size is fine, so one doesn’t have to change that. (if you look at this post in edit mode, you can see the short code right below here. Will work with any TED talk if you have the TED video ID number)