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40 page “teaser” eBook of some presentation issues from KnowledgeVision, who has their own “solution” they are selling….but PDF table of contents worth a perusal at least… I went to the very short section on tracking and metrics and user activity analysis, something we haven’t gotten our toes wet with yet.

Tracking is part of the “adaptive learning” construct. How do we intake user data points, and how is that reflected back to the user in real time…with new content choices being presented to the user?

A simple version might be some minimal programming or linking where if a “user” answers a survey or quiz a certain way…or their score is a certain number….they are then linked to a certain choice of “the next learning modules”. Analyzing the user data in more detail, and comparing to a database of other user data points…. before offering the next content module…. would be the complex version.

This eBook mentions an ability to “measure” user interest level in the content. Wouldn’t that be nice to incorporate into the DLE…