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From the Chamilo emailnewsletter (open source eLearning and collaboration software)…popular internationally and the one Gloria is working with…apparently growing quickly in users. Note the GlaxoSmithKline portal on smoking prevention…which is as Kris would say, informal learning, and a DLE. Some day we may wish to commit to a platform similar to Chamilo for actual DLE offerings.
Chamiluda 2013

On the 17th and 18th October we will be holding an international users’ day on Chamilo in Madrid. Full details of this event can be found on the event’swebsite

Improved security on the free campus

We are pleased to announce that from this month, the Chamilo free campus has become a safer place to be, thanks to the installation of an SSL certificate ensuring that the transmission of data over the internet between our server and users (or vice versa), is entirely secure.

Mini-Guide to the integration of Prestashop

Do you need to establish an online payment system for your Chamilo course(s)? Try integrating Prestashop with Chamilo using this guide developed by Amador López Parra (Chamilo Association individual admitted member).

GlaxoSmithKline and Chamilo

The world’s leading pharmaceutical company in the field of health research has launched a portal on smoking prevention, and another on denture care with Chamilo. View the project here .


Chamilo LCMS 3 released

After almost a year of testing in various institutions, Chamilo LCMS version 3 has been released codenamed Bradypodion. Check all information about this release here .

Chamilo LMS 1.9.6 Released

June 4th saw the release of the “light” version of Chamilo LMS 1.9.6, codenamed  Rochefort. Haven’t you tried it yet? More info here.