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This Tyler Cowen blog entry references a provocative study (gated) suggesting that there is a falling return on cognitive skill – which is a pretty scary proposition.

I tend to subscribe to a couple of Tyler’s comments:

1) Rather than accepting “falling returns to skill,” I would sooner say that education doesn’t measure true skill as well as it used to.

2)  Many people get the degree, yet without learning the skills they need for the modern workplace (at least partially explaining a growing polarization in returns)

3) Too many discussions of the returns to education focus on the mean or median and neglect the variance and what is likely a recent increase in that variance.

A related thought is that our society needs an increased focus on the effective utilization (on whatever scale) of our human capital.  Perhaps the current trend to entrepreneurship and lean startups  (of all denomination) can help, but the jury is definitely still out.  In the interim we are setting unrealistic expectations for much of our society.