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Knewton head honcho Jose Ferreira on 5 types of Big Data in Education.

Knewton is on our radar screens, beyond their focus in 2013 in mega deals with Pearson and other very big publishing/ media conglomerates… who are trying to sit astride new learning opportunities in the cloud like the dragon on the pile of gold.

Knewton has said they haven’t forgotten mom and pop ed services in the cloud providers such as PSA, as they need the masses derived from the little people, they say, to gather the needed data points. Made noises that they were developing such a product/service for roll out in 2014. We’ll see.

Because of the nature of the beast, working with Big Data is not something one mom and pop can do on its own. Aggregation of this demand seems a no brainer, so “somebody”, we hope, is eventually going to provide an affordable menu of adaptive learning services for the smaller entity.