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Story in recent Las Cruces Sun News on La Acadamia Dolores Huerta push to find a larger facility. Numerous interesting to PSA facts within, such as all charter schools must be in “publicly owned buildings” by 2015. Would this apply to “New America School” on Main st downtown??

Also, there’s that important difference for charter schools being either under the State PED, or the local school district, and some of the applicable concerns.

LADH, as Earl I think informed us, was at one time considered to join the Court Youth Center initiative along with Paul Taylor and Alma de Arte, but decided against it.

Also of note here, some group called “Learning Spaces” is noted as having helped LADH find an alternate facility on Solano, Church of the Rock. Would “Learning Spaces” be able to help PSA find a Multitask de Ville space?