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3D Printing is threating to relly hit the mainstream.  It was one of the biggest stars at CES last week with devices ranging from $100K to $499.  There were over 30 companies showcasing new devices.

It seems to me that 3D printing may have quite interesting applications to both Multitask de Ville and education and technical training in general.

One of the key issues with taking advantage of available technology-driven educational tools (think MOODs) is student motivation.  Some have it , most don’t.

Well, there is a large segment of the populace that learn better when there are physical expressions of the lessons – it strikes a different motivator.

I remember my grandfather who had no formal education (at all) but self-learned to read in order to understand repair manuals and learned basic math (he was very good at fractions) to handle mechanical measurements.

We greatly reduced the role of “technical” programs in public schools (we had wood, metal and auto shops in my high school) with the focus on college-prep for everyone, but observably, not everyone has thrived.

Now 3D printing feels a lot like shop in many ways, but it also is based on software so it may be a logical bridge between two worlds.

Woth a thought.