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from report on recent NM legislature in LCSN:

Local lawmakers were excited about a collaborative effort to build a back lot for movie productions at the Coralitos Ranch west of Las Cruces. The city would manage the project, Rep. Terry McMillan, R-Las Cruces, said.


“I think economically this really will be a boon, and it can happen pretty quickly because it’s a small undertaking to put this up,” McMillan said. “When it really reaches its apex, we could have crews coming in and out of Las Cruces commonly.”


“This is one of the biggest accomplishments of this session,” added Rep. Jeff Steinborn, D-Las Cruces. “We’re bringing the film industry to Las Cruces, and it was accomplished in a bipartisan way.”


More news on the project would be coming soon, Steinborn added.

Fact that credit is being taken by both local (R) and local (D) might indicate that Martinez (R) won’t line item veto, which the governor has the power to do in NM, and often exercises for items from the less populated areas. In the past, Steinborn had line item vetoes exercised upon bills he got passed, both from Martinez, and previous Richardson.