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One “rapidly changing field” among many in last few years, is filming. One can almost imagine this shoot taking place in someone’s garage… note the tiny cameras, which are digital recording devices…and how much can be done with a green screen and a few small sets. (pardon the ad… the embed link includes it)

Okay, it’s a pretty big garage…but one can use one’s imagination to envision something scaled down a bit from a major motion picture action movie…that might in fact fit into a 3 car actual garage-ish space. And acting that’s at least as good as this…a relatively low standard to match, is likely doable.

No, one wouldn’t have the resources to do the full effects and sound stuff Hollywood does, and having a “water tank” and underwater shooting is probably out….but one could do a LOT of effects with Final Cut Pro etc using a few Mac Pro cylinders and a very active creative collection of brains trained and “up to” the task.