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Mind Valley seems an example of a new form derived from present ingredients of the communications revolution underway …albeit covering some truly way way out there perspectives, including “Astral Projection” which IIRC was a weird new age thing from back in the 60’s… and which is kind of a red flag for possible scam or cult sort of approach…at least from my experience.

So maybe it’s a rip off of trends? Fine line between avant garde and scam sometimes.

But I was attracted to the “impossible to really define” what they are doing aspect, as well as this quote:

How? By practicing the philosophy of the great scientist and awesome futurist, Buckminster Fuller, who famously said:

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

And that’s exactly what we’re doing. Building new better models that make today’s problematic models obsolete, and at the heart of our approach is what we call “culture hacking”.


PSA “Train the Trainers Youth Brigade Project” might be seen as doing this…culture hacking…and building a new better model. And we don’t believe in “fighting the existing reality” very much…we like to “route around problem areas”…what we might be good at.