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As PSA develops our T3 Youth Brigade Project, we are noting other youth projects in the region, and here’s yet another “entity” of NMSU doing a project/ grant program in SNM. What’s a surprise is that it’s funded through the spaceport tax, which has a 25% component for STEM and space related education in relevant counties.

Ngage said they were going to work up a full on directory for all the various entities in our region doing educational related stuff…good luck to them. PSA continues to discover new entities (to us) at the rate of approx one per month, or more. How many more are “out there”?

Maybe it’s time again to try to develop a Mindjet map of all the entities out there, such as YWIC, Supercomputer Challenge, and the robotics stuff, the startup stuff and app development stuff and incubator stuff, the early college HS and the Rio Grande Prep stuff, Learning Games Lab, Center for Learning and Professional Development, groups Melanie Goodman was telling us about, etc etc.

Ligia Ford is SNM Science, Engineering, Mathematics, and Aerospace Academy Project Manager. Ligia Ford sounds like a resource for recruits. Met with her back in HTC ED role some years ago now. She can be reached at 575-646-7524.