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NPR has a story/ audio report on how Mormon’s train their missionaries quickly and effectively before sending them overseas.

While the article doesn’t go into much detail, apparently the two keys are “learning by doing”…role playing in teams….and having a lot of “spirit” involvement or motivation.

PSA also believes those two “elements” of  DLE can be very effective supports for learning.

“Spirit” involvement for Mormons has a religious specificity, but another way of saying that is a learner’s whole being is focused and activated in the learning experience. There’s also an unstated but strong SLC present in very cohesive religious groups such as Mormons can be.

Addressing a learner as a whole, and supporting ALL the different factors that enhance and enable learning, as well as avoiding those that limit learning, is something PSA endorses as a high priority goal in developing DLE. We also recognize the fundamental necessity for a foundation of collaboration, such as a SLC done well would create.