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Reading today’s article on Tim Cook in the NYTimes, there’s a mention of Apple’s previewed new app called “Health”, and related software called “Healthkit”. PSA has been beating the drums that learning using cloud tools applies across the board to learning “tasks”, and that Healthcare for patients and families  involves a great deal of learning task work, and study.

So DLE methods and tools that work for “education” also work for “healthcare.” There’s signs out there indicating healthcare is about to become a mainstream app based on various mobile tools and software under development, and to be ubiquitous in the same way smartphones and tablets have “blown up” in the past few years.

Here’s a link to Apple’s iOS 8 preview on their “Health” and “Healthkit” stuff, which it’s heavily rumored with be supported by new wrist wearable hardware plausibly announced in Fall or so. Google and others are also moving ahead in this “realm”.

Needless to say PSA welcomes these initiatives, as both Ed and Healthcare are enormous parts of our economy, and PSA thinks the tools will bring a “new age” of DIY and “Family based” learning for everything, including healthcare. “Family based” to include traditional forms, and newly possible online forms as well.

Yes Virginia, we do live in the “2nd Machine Age” or the “sweet part of the curve” of “exponential growth“… where with each turn of the iteration, the previous capability is doubled, and eventually that’s an unimaginably big leap forward with each cycle. We are nonetheless taxing our imaginations here at PSA, to try to keep up. (smiley face here)