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DIY digital film/ video is apparently becoming, or already is, an activity engaged in by large numbers of people around the world, as evidenced by YouTube’s enormous and ever growing “content library” …….but also as evidenced by the equipment that is available to suit this “market”.

There’s seemingly a product at an “affordable level” for most things a digital media producer would like to do. Of course, when one adds up all the “affordable level” items, it’s not so affordable …but it’s a relative term compared with the recent past when production was much much more expensive, even DIY level.

Curious to know how big this “industry/hobby” is at this point. Perhaps there’s some numbers out there somewhere, some demographics for who is doing it, where in the country and world they are doing it, and how many of them (us) are out there? J & F Check have a demo of a larger jib:


, and there’s this B&H Demo (with ad at the end)  of a smaller jib that might fit into a “mini studio” such as the learning lab/ studio at 600 Dyne….even with our low ceiling…perhaps.