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We’ve got a tabletop, and these little skate dollies could perhaps do some cool things in the PSA LLS in a tiny space, and for little cost. Amazon has a ton of them, just search “Tabletop Dolly”. I think this guy is channeling Jim Carrey, and heads up he uses some street words at the end which I’m not sure are yet kosher in polite company. Maybe it depends on local “community standards” where he is? (this is a topic unto itself for another time/ another post).

His “tabletop” in this instance, a board clamped to two tripods, is intriguing. Actually, now that I think of it, this guy is channeling the infomercial guy for ShamWow… or whatever it was called. That guy is famous in his own right. Maybe somebody could look him up, and post a link to his bio etc?

Here’s a more general “slider” intro originally posted at at one time.

And more “Slider” how to, also sourced at one time.