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Tolstoy famously began “Anna Karenina” with:

Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

When is a Social Learning Construct like a family? Can we find the way happy SLCs are all alike? We want to learn the answer to that question. Maybe a part of the answer might be found in this “6 Things the Happiest Families All Have In Common“. Let’s try some of that out.

We would then need a “mission statement” for our SLC, and an agreement we come up with for what are the expectations for behavior, what are the responsibilities, and what is the support for each of us to succeed in our group and individual goals?  How are we going to experience joy together?

What else of those 6 things are important to us?…eat a meal together? Please read and make your own suggestions for what we want our SLC MO to be…

And research confirms that meaning in life is all about the stories we tell ourselves.