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Here’s an example of using fairly simple cartoons to create an “involving” video presentation. In this case, the subject is “Social Networking” dos and don’ts as envisioned and created by the Jehovah’s Witnesses from online site.

It’s good to see examples of looking out for kids online, and creating reasonably sophisticated learning media to help kids learn. You don’t have to join anything to watch this, and although it mentions some bible quotes, it doesn’t say that’s the only way to be good at Social Networking.

So it seems to pass our protocols for PSA website, pretty much, as we don’t proselytize for specific religions or political groups here. And we don’t avoid mentioning them either if it’s relevant, and primarily focused on learning per se. One of our guidelines.

(need to press the play button to see anything)

They did kind of diss online experiences by making a distinction between those and “real life”… which is probably not entirely helpful. After all I’m writing this to be read online, and we consider this to be “real life” as much as anything else. How much time is okay for kids, or adults, to be online is a complicated question, without an easy answer.

Probably as kids get older, one might need to be more specific about what kinds of things can go wrong, but for the most part seemed like sound advice.

Just as with any behavior though, Buddha’s middle way usually works…IOW…avoid extremes. But if everyone avoided extremes all the time we wouldn’t have a LOT of the high points of human culture, learning, achievement, science, business. While Steve Jobs was at least acquainted with Buddhism and meditation, he certainly seemed to be extremely extreme at times.

So, guidelines yes, but everyone is different…so different strokes for different folks also applies. Especially young people, who are changing so fast as they grow up…their guidelines need to be appropriate for how old they are physically, mentally, spiritually, ethically, etc, and this changes from month to month, year to year.

What guidelines are appropriate for our T3YBC gang?