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The New York Times has a series of short clips done mostly by directors about one scene in their movie….this series is called “Anatomy of a Scene“.

Here’s one from Under the Skin, a film from “an intriguing look at humans through an alien amongst us” genre. What’s of note here, besides Scarlett Johanson’s look, (jersey girl?)…is the live shoot on the street without anyone else knowing a film is being made.

Also of note, no added lighting of any kind, and no audio apparently.

For the Everyman in the 80’s grant project video (1984), we once did a similar “camera moving in a vehicle on a street or highway” shot…..out of the side of a moving VW van with the side door slid all the way open…. with “Death” walking across a lava field at dawn etc. which came out okay.  But in this case it sounds like they went to pains to “hide” the camera.

As we know, camera heads and mini tripods are available that clamp on car doors and car windows… for car interiors, but also for exterior POV shots.

This from NYTimes is a small file, and to avoid the ad that came with it, I uploaded it to our site, and then link from our own copy of the file.

We might do some of this sometime; are there any sidewalks of interest in LC? Maybe downtown in front of the Rio Grande Theater? But no people walking around? Hmmm, maybe go down to El Paso downtown.