The idea of using story and narrative to “accomplish” learning has been around for a while… many cultures preserved themselves through oral traditions where stories contained priceless information about identity, and roles, and lessons about doing things the right way. In fact, this may be where “story” originated. The old testament can be viewed this way, as well as Homer et al.
It’s also plausible that story is a perception/memory tool hard wired in our human brains, that helps us function in the world so effectively, that it might be said that humans are always inhabiting one internal story or another, at any time and any place. IOW, we are natural born story creators to the point where we never stop doing it.
Here’s one manifestation that claims to be able to aggregate all the story elements for you into a functioning package they call Vignettes learning. Here they offer a 3 day “online workshop”entitled “story based webinars“.
We might be really interested if it didn’t cost $750 for one person for this one workshop. But we’re still interested in looking at their advertising/ PR for the workshop, for what they “say” they are going to “cover” and what we can “pick up” on “how to use story for learning”.
Also of note here is that one of the fields most ripe for disruption is this one of “professional development”, because the fee structure is so out of whack compared to the actual costs of putting on the courses and webinars.
Likely this is partly because the fees for participation for individuals are often paid by their employers, and it is very hard to assess exactly how useful a very short workshop is. So, if it costs a whole lot, then “it must be worth a whole lot”…seems to be the thinking involved.
After all, we wouldn’t want to depend on a $20 iPad app for professional development, would we? Anyone could afford that, and then what good would our professional certification be? (snark intended).