After looking at Kris’s XLNT post on SLC process support, there’s clearly more than one way to get er done. Just as getting healthcare services active for those in need…including behavioral and mental health services… may involve third party service providers, just so may online classes involve third party services in the future.
The problems a SLC may attempt to address internally within the group may exceed the resources available within the group. One could have a group of interactive resource pages to refer to, but one might also potentially have a third party service provider contracted to be ‘ON HAND’ for those in the SLC.
Presently such service providers are popping up here and there. We should thoroughly research one, from somewhere in the world, to see how well they are working, and what are the best MOs, and how much they might charge.
In a way, this undertaking is an attempt to remake social services to be a hands on, community and family based way of meeting people’s needs as part of addressing the whole persons’ latent learning power.
Another way to “come at this” is to examine what services schools and higher education institutions provide to ‘students’: list what a school has in addition to teachers. And of course the big dysfunctional part of that model is where are the parents?…. and how do they fit in, or don’t fit in?