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Knewton questionnaire to “teachers” questions below. One should probably keep in mind that these questions are designed at least in some way to help support Knewton products and platform.  So it seems a bit odd that there’s no specific reference to “online classes” below, other than “more tech resources”.

Link to Knewton platform “stuff” here. 

What do you think would make the most significant positive impact on your students’ learning? (choose up to 3)*

1) un-leveled (i.e, no “tracked”) classes
2) different textbooks and curricular resources
3) smaller class sizes
4) more professional development
5) more technology resources
6) fewer standardized tests
7) leveled (i.e., “tracked”) classes
8) more support from parents
9) different state tests
10) money that you could spend on any resources of your choosing
11) more time in your day to plan and review student work

What is the most challenging part about teaching for you and your colleagues?*

1 Increasing number of standards and regulations to navigate

2) Growing diversity of student needs  (different levels, strengths, weaknesses, and backgrounds)

3) Growing class sizes

4) Peer & pop culture that is not always supportive