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The US Federal Government creates a lot of media for various uses, and some of it is in the public domain, and royalty free use is possible. One needs to find just the right clip in a very large archive, and one would hope to be able to locate “good enough” quality for use in PSA projects.

National Technical Information Service Library of Commerce

Internet Archive FedFlix

Then there’s this huge list from something called “Bulk Resource”… oddly enough I found something from NMSU right at the top of the list…and then I found a whole lot more NMSU links…not sure on the provenance and rights of these, but going to make another separate post for them now.

One such government film we found in the past, and Kris did some “work with” for healthcare worker training, is located here. Note there’s a “Creative Commons” license listed for this clip, plus it is available in various formats. I just downloaded a MPEG2 version, and there’s also a MP4 version.

Just for fun, will embed it below too, albeit in a fairly low quality version. One of the uses for this is finding a background, that one can “composite” in a talking head on top of.

IOW, it’s a resource for elements that can be stripped off, and used in other projects mostly. Kind of like old cars in the junkyard are used to provide parts for other vehicles…or like montage or pastiche or collage of repurposed elements…a “mashup” if you will.

Kudos to Kris for relocating this site for us.