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One of those odd coincidences; a web surfing serendipity if you will:

When one goes to the link for Bulk Resource one gets to a page with a very very lengthy list of clips. Imagine our surprise, when it turns out there’a a cache of NMSU clips in this list; one of which is embedded below…  I would likely not have found these NMSU clips if not for the fact that they are almost at the top of the list…and readily noticed therefore.

This one is from a series called La Familia. The narrator/ host is Kari Bachman, and it says she’s with the Cooperative Extension Service, so maybe this was done through Barbara Chamberlain at the Learning Games Lab, or a Gleason project.  Anyway, there’s lots more where this came from. La Familia series has about 13 episodes, in both english and spanish versions.

But what is especially of note here, is that this “episode” is about how family supports healthcare process, something PSA is very interested in, especially when cloud tools are involved. DIY healthcare and DIY education using cloud tools…our PSA mission statement in 8 words, as we were recently challenged to come up with by Tricia Dell.