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NYTimes has an ongoing “video feature” called Anatomy of a Scene, in which as short clip from a recent movie is shown while the director comments on what he/she was doing with that scene. A quick way to keep abreast of various elements of the cinematic arts, which ALL video creators will be working with in some form.

Just as all elements that support learning online may apply whatever the content, or learning circumstance….those using any form of film or video, may apply or “use” any element that can enhance or “drive” the learning experience. For example, kids DIY
YouTube or Vine clips, may reference or incorporate techniques from anywhere, including top Hollywood film production.

The news is: media is the massage. It doesn’t matter where we find the technique or approach, it can be repurposed for learning. As mentioned prior, “infomercials” exert a mesmerizing effect on watchers who then do the action asked of them, and pick up that phone. PSA wants to have that capability to mesmerize learners, and encourage them to pick up that content, and make it theirs, for only $19.99.

It is “ok” to stoop to conquer, when using media.