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There’s a lot to say about the Joy of Learning; we try to keep that in the forefront of important elements for online learning and DLE, but it’s very very hard to define. An intangible, if you will,, and subjective, and a challenge to quantify with Big Data, or other measurement.

Joy being on the same street with Happiness, just a few houses down the block. But we generally know those are two important parts of human existence, and that people generally are more efficient and effective, as well as “at their best”, with at least some of both.

Yes, adversity also plays a role in motivation, as does stress, so it’a not ALL about pollyanna and utopia. OTOH, people will not thrive over the long term if all they have is stress and adversity…they need joy and happiness present somewhere in the equation.

In the world of business and enterprise, it’s confusing when HR says the company needs to address the whole person, because, what is that? Doesn’t stop knowledge economy corps from providing the trappings and spaces for joy and happiness in their office space…an atmosphere that at least implies some “play” is going on, and that laughter and joking around is OK.

Most of the time…Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were known to be quite “heavy” with their employess… but now the millennials are taking over, and they don’t go for being coerced.

In todays paper, or webpage, there’s a story about the Las Cruces School District’s BOD upcoming election, and what the candidates in that election were saying at a recent forum.

Apparently the Joy of Learning is a buzz phrase this year. Or maybe it’s been around a long time and is just being leaned on once again to search for votes. Fascinating to listen to the candidates struggle to say what that Joy of Learning might entail in the way of policy changes for LCPS.

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