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As is all over the news this week, the planned merger/takeover between Comcast and TimeWarner Cable will not be taking place. Some of the reasons for that have to do with market disruption for cable companies with the current boom in streaming video. As well as trends in the ongoing “net neutrality” battles.

Groups like PSA, looking to swim in the sea of disruption ongoing, need to find ways to adapt and adjust to the various currents and riptides. Affordable quality access needs to get a lot better for those on the wrong side of the tracks of the digital divide. Further technological innovation, and changes in business models for access providers, offer the hope that this could occur.

A New Yorker article talks about further needed changes in telecom is US.

[gview file=”–Time-Warner-Merger-Is-Only-the-Start-The-New-Yorker.pdf”]


The pix below would not have been applicable only six months ago.
