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As we explore the 7 Core Elements, “capturing the imagination” is prominent. How is that done? Video games, and movies capture the imagination… in various ways. This YouTube from Defy Media explains some of the attempts to make movies as involving as video games, among other topics.

Posted partly because of the way the YouTube is done, it’s style, and MO, as it of course is trying to capture our attention, or a certain demographics attention. Which seems to be the business model for “Defy Media”…capture the online imaginations of certain demographics, which can then somehow turn into a cash flow working with “brand corporations” who wish to create connections to, in this case, youth.



Also posted because this is what my nephew has started to do, i.e., create new YouTube channels for Defy Media. The above is from the Defy Media YouTube channel “Film Theory”. They also have a YouTube channel on “Game Theory“, which is sampled below.

So, exactly what connection is there between the big “brand” sponsors of Defy Media, and content like that below, which purports to take a sort of whistleblower stance on exploitation of game users to promote products unwittingly?

After reading of the fake factory “the Agency” in Russia churning out bogus media online, one is a bit cautious about taking anything at face value online. Former generations got used to ubiquitous television commercials, and developed a skill in tuning them out, but what skills do we need in today’s online media world to avoid our imagination being captured by bogus media plants, and media with secret agendas?

And how can we take those capture imagination techniques, and put them to good and above board uses for DLE?