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We often discuss here possibilities that exist to aid learning. Generally it’s hoped that any solutions will apply across a broad cross section of learners. But who are these learners, and will the solution apply to them specifically?

Any initial assessment of possible members of a SLC, must include some forms of pre- assessment. The person needs to be known in some detail, in order to guide them into the right learning circumstances, or in order to provide the right learning circumstances.

This involves some form of data gathering, and analysis, and it’s needed beyond just what a person knows or courses taken. Some aspect of the personality, the psychology, the way a person deals with things, their emotions, and some “extra” quotient (XQ)…that reveals who the person is…is part of the “admittance” procedure, even online, where one size fits all isn’t really the best use of the technology.

Apparently there’s a trend to use a lot of new tests for this part of induction and screening of potential members of a SLC. And proprietary algorithms are involved, which can easily become problematic. How do we know if we should accept the analysis predicated on a particular algorithm’s output? Do we take at face value what the robots tell us?

From Time magazine:

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