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Vivent has a radio enabled wireless internet service they are “rolling out” in El Paso.

It puts antennas and transmitters on residential roofs, and sort of bundles 24 homes together but says that will support 100Mbps….which is about what Comcast now provides in Las Cruces in some areas. This isn’t the same as “Cell” service, so you’d not be connecting away from your residence where the wireless router would be hard wired to the radio stuff on your roof. The cost is less than what Comcast currently charges.

And the feasibility exists because it’s not as costly as running copper or cable infrastructure to all the residences in a town. They say it’s for suburbs…not spread out rural areas. Not sure if that means you couldn’t do it in Colonias, or not.

“We chose El Paso because it’s a warm market,” Langford said. “Our to-market strategy is to knock on people’s doors and get them to switch. When the weather is warm, it’s easier to knock on doors. We chose San Antonio to show that we’re not just working in the desert. And we wanted to show that we could compete with AT&T and Time Warner Cable at their best. We’re going anywhere we think consumers are looking for an alternative ISP.”

Las Cruces is also a warm market, if that’s the requirement. Kudos to Gary for link.