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New America School in Las Cruces is one of the more interesting Charter Schools to startup in the last few years, and one for which PSA observed their charter being granted by the PED commission. They are also the entity which likely prompted Stan Rounds to say, paraphrasing, LCPS could compete with any of these new players that want to do education here. Or at least helped encourage LCPS to pursue innovation and cloud learning.

These two individuals would be a good bet to interview and hear them talk about “how things are going so far” for their school, and what their views on the future or learning in DAC might be. The New America School uses blended learning with classroom and online components.

Roberto Lozano and Margarita Porter, administrators at the New America School-Las Cruces, were selected to participate in an intensive leadership course at Harvard University. While teachers and students are on summer vacation, Porter and Lozano went back to school.


They were selected to participate in Harvard University’s intensive seven-day leadership institute entitled, “Improving Schools: The Art of Leadership.” Harvard professors taught all the courses, which focused on adaptive leadership, leader proficiency, and critical thinking. School leaders from 11 different countries attended the institute. Participants explored successful models for school improvement and learned how to lead and manage change.
