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One of the ways we talk about new relationship between people and entities online is to describe them “As a Service”. IOW, moving towards atomization of the workforce into self employed and DIY needs an explanation, and talking “as a service” is one way to do so.

We have huge corporations, or “enterprises” that have hierarchy and structure that defines the piece that an employee can play in the puzzle, and often in a static universe. Now, as we realize that people can contribute in many different ways outside such a structure, we need to rethink a lot of things.

Employees working in enterprises are currently stateful reservations of human capacity, assigned to tasks needing their primary expertise and controlled by a single manager. Many times if an employee possess expertise outside her primary area of business, she is unable to contribute in other areas where that expertise may be needed shackled by a stateful role, manager, and


Today’s employment model only takes into account the pri- mary talents of an individual and ignores the reality that humans are generally multidimensional and useful outside the scope of their stateful roles.


As a society we are trying to understand the implications of many to many and many to one, now possible online. We have some experience with one to many in books, radio, TV. But the other two are very disruptive to our hierarchical and linear structures.

This restructuring of relationships is very much a part of online learning, where people can aggregate themselves into groups based on myriad shared interests, motivations and goals. Kudos to Gary for link.

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