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If we had $1500 a piece, we could join the huge “Learning 2015” conference in Orlando in November. Four days and 1600 people and more than 180 workshops/ sessions, so what’s not to like?

Does beg the question of how many of the 180 sessions one might attend over the four days, and whether each lives up to it’s heading or is mostly meh. Would be hard to make informed choices, and would they allow drop in drop outs?..which often happens at “breakouts”… People sample, like we do surfing the web.

Perhaps an example of how various and spread out all the elements of online learning are becoming, have become, will become. Who will master them all?

Likely will take forever to maximize that potential, so perhaps it’s always going to be about “what can you do for me lately” with players surging ahead with innovations and getting passed by newer players who incorporate what has come before into a newer more dynamic model,  ad infinitum.

Here’s a link to a series of lists for the conference. And below a “working list” of over 180 Learning Conversations, Activities and Dialogues now in development. Mr Massie not one to stint on buffet style professional development opportunities. Kudos to Gary for suggesting link. Actually a very interesting list, many of which have been discussed in posts here at PSA in months and years past.

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