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LCPS spent about 800k and “inherited” about $1.5M in equipment, to setup a “Challenger Center” downtown LC, which is “part space station, part transporter and part mission control center”. That’s an interesting form of immersive learning, and uses one of the core elements of making sure learning programs are connected to the local cuisine, or culture.

There’s the Electrical Engineering and PSL parts of NMSU, there’s WSMR, and there’s the UAV test range and program, and theres the spaceport, all in our region. While the spaceport continues to exist in a “delay state”, it does exist, and may, if one is optimistic, yet lead to even more space related educational and work opportunities. If one is less optimistic on future developments in commercial space in SNM, such opportunities may be harder to find than regional leaders hope.

So there’s an element of risk, but also an element of opportunity.

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