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As in Steve’s wife, Lauren Powell Jobs has moved ahead with several initiatives, including the “Emerson Collective” which sounds like it does a lot of “good things” including supporting educational innovation. Sounds a bit like PSA (if we had Jobs kind of funding)…in that it believes in latent human potential, and self actualized achievement. With the right tools being available for all… we believe in that too.


At Emerson Collective, we believe that self-reliance is one of humanity’s highest ideals. The freedom to chart one’s own destiny, the chance to live to the fullest of one’s own potential—these are essential goals. Not just for the sake of individual advancement, but for the progress of our society as a whole.


Indeed, only a self-reliant individual can dedicate her talents to serving others. Only strong and empowered people can strengthen and empower their communities. The promise of a brighter future exists within each of us, but to realize it, we must act collectively to break down barriers and expand opportunity for all.


This is our mission at Emerson Collective—to transform potential into progress by building durable pathways to opportunity in every community. We have an impatience with convention and a bias toward “what if?” We invest in ideas and fuel innovation. We champion reforms that have the power to lift individual lives and entire communities.


We partner with entrepreneurs—especially those who blend imagination with intellect. In these ways and more, we are working to improve the quality of public education, advance immigration reform, support and scale social innovation, and fulfill the promise of self-reliance for each of us.