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Different forms/  elements of media combine to drive innovation in learning, but it can be a challenge to imagine how those elements might be best combined. We need an open mind and active imagination to see the possibilities that multimedia presents. Learning outside the box, if you will.

Here’s an article that discusses a relatively new form of training, involving various media elements, addressing an issue that is very topical in NM at present, and has been used by not only police professionals, but students and others as well, and recommended for lawmakers! (only the first half of the article is relevant, fyi)

DACC students and officers in the Las Cruces area have used the training system for about three years, according to associate professor Richard G. DeRouen. It uses state-of-the art technology and simulates a variety of encounters with surround sound, physical dynamics, multiple angles and lighting conditions, as well as weapon-recoil action and fight-back capability. The training, in part, aims to de-escalate use-of-force incidents among officers while on duty.

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