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These sort of rankings for educational institutions are notoriously unscientific, and then there’s the matter of publicizing rankings that might not be notably a plus.

183rd for Best Online Bachelor’s Programs doesn’t seem all that “Best”.

OTOH, the nursing program online at 75th is more like we might expect, if not quite what we might hope for, and a plus after DACC nursing program woes in the past.

Would perhaps be a worthwhile goal for NMSU PSL to get behind undergrad online electrical engineering as a magnet and funnel to bring in talent from around the world to eventually take positions as grad students with the research programs ongoing.

For the fourth consecutive year, New Mexico State University has placed in the top 200 of universities, with three NMSU online programs being recognized.

In 2016, NMSU ranks 75th in Best Online Graduate Nursing Programs, 166th in Best Online Graduate Education Programs and 183rd in Best Online Bachelor’s Programs.


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