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Vimeo, perhaps the second most popular video service in the cloud, albeit still far behind YouTube, has an improved offering to video distributors. Previously their “best” service was the “Pro” which had a 20GB upload per week limit, and a restrictive max total video storage limit.

Now, for about $33 month, there’s a “Pro Unlimited” service, which removes the upload limit per week, and increases the total storage space to 3 TB, which is “more like it”.

Vimeo is not the only video serving cloud service available though, and pricing and features vary. Some charge by number of viewers and number of minutes viewed per month, but Vimeo Pro Unlimited does not.

Vimeo Pro Unlimited also offers “private mode” to control who has access to video content.

Also of note, is this FAQ below of “fair use policy” as defined and practiced by Vimeo. PSA as an educational non profit has certain advantages when it comes to Fair Use. Fair use is an ocean of grey areas, as becomes apparent in this Vimeo document, but for the four major factors of fair use, PSA is well situated to be “okay” or “safe” for the uses we contemplate.

What is considered “fair use” depends on the circumstances. To over-simplify for a moment, fair use protects creators who reuse copyrighted content in a few ways: when the new work directly critiques and comments on existing works; for educational or scholarly purposes; to transform the source material into something new. Of course, it’s a bit more complicated than that, so please read on before deciding whether you can claim fair use.

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