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Ray Kurzweil, Inventor and Futurist, who is perhaps best known for his popularizing “the Singularity”, speaks here on his current views of where we are, where we have come from, and where we are going on the exponential graphing of information technology development.

Kurzweil continues to be a leading innovator in language recognition systems, founding both Kurzweil Educational Systems in 1996, and the Medical Learning Company, as well as other innovations.

He was hired in 2012 by Google to “work on new projects involving machine learning and language processing”.

Kurzweil below extrapolates on the exponential curve of IT, and further makes the point, that information technology is taking over much of our economic structures and process. His comments remind one of the exponential graphs for development in the book “Second Machine Age” curated at PSA more than a year ago now. This video thanks to Gary’s curation.

Kurzweil’s wife is Sonya Kurzweil, a psychologist in private practice and clinical instructor in Psychology at Harvard Medical School; she is interested in the way that digital media can be integrated into the lives of children and teens.[31]   

Which is a topic PSA is very interested in too.