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Not sure how this would work in practice, as business is very focused on quarterly bottom lines, and employees “off line to be online learning” would be a notable expense. Yes companies would need more employees, because some would be off learning somewhere, but how many more would they need, and would it be practical economically.

And while it might “take the strain off the education system”, business doesn’t generally care about that; they just want trained and educated employees. (more trained than educated?) Kudos to Gary for link.

Basically, Prising is saying that companies should continually find ways to skill up their workforce by letting them take time out to acquire digital skills and then return to work. Not only will this keep people in employment but it will also greatly benefit the corporations because their workforces will develop more modern and cutting edge skills.


On top of that, it will also “take the strain off” the education system, where traditionally people just go to school, college, then university and believe that that is the end of their education.

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